Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Zoom Teeth Whitening Treatment - Should You Go For It?

Are you a coffee or tea-holic? Do you enjoy your cheat days with lots of red wine, chocolate, and icecreams? Being a sweet-tooth or totally in love with caffeine or old age can, sometimes, take a toll on your smile. When it gets hard for you to maintain a brightening white smile, you look for various home remedies, first, and then try different over-the-counter whitening products to brighten and whiten your teeth. And, when nothing works, you run to your dentist for better options.


Zoom in for an attractive smile

As far as the best and most effective teeth whitening treatment is concerned, most dentists are likely to recommend Zoom Teeth Whitening Chino is one of those cities in California that has some good dental clinics to count on. So, pay a visit to your dentist's clinic to find out what options you have and if or Zoom! Teeth Whitening is the right choice for you.

The procedure of Zoom teeth whitening 

Zoom! Teeth Whitening is a part of cosmetic dentistry. It is a non-invasive treatment focused on whitening discolored teeth (enamel and dentin). Let's take a look at the steps followed by a dental practitioner to whiten and brighten your smile -
  • At first, the surrounding areas of your mouth and teeth, especially your gum and lips, are covered so that they remain untouched by the procedure.
  • Secondly, your dentist or his/her assistant will apply a layer of teeth whitening gel or paste on your teeth.
  • Thirdly, the bleaching agent (Hydrogen Peroxide) present in the gel is activated using an advanced LED light for accelerating penetration of the gel into your teeth for stain removal.
  • Lastly, your dentist is more likely to repeat this step thrice in order to achieve the desired result.
Why is Zoom Teeth Whitening better than other whitening procedures?

Apart from Zoom, there are many other teeth whitening procedures and products available in the world of cosmetic dentistry. It includes - whitening toothpaste, Whitening Strips or Paint-on Gel, and Take-Home Trays. However, no other procedure is as effective as Zoom! No wonder it has become one of the most popular ways to get a bright and attractive smile. To help you understand better, here we have a comparison table below. Let’s have a look -

Teeth Whitening Treatment Time Duration Shades Whiter (Avg.) Results to expect
Zoom! Teeth Whitening 45 minutes 8 Shades Done by professional cosmetic dentists
Immediate and long-lasting results
Comfortable and safe
Whitening Toothpaste More than 1 month 1 to 2 shades Self-application
Removes superficial stains only
Whitening Strips or Paint-on Gel 7 days to 30 days 3 to 4 shades Self-application
Takes time to get close to the desired shade
Patchy teeth whitening
Take-home Trays 7 days to 14 days 6 Shades Self-application
Results are not immediate.

Is Zoom! Teeth Whitening the right option for you?

Well, like any other dental procedure, Zoom! Teeth Whitening also has its share of pros and cons. And, only an experienced and qualified dental professional can understand if or not it is a good option for you. One of the best things about this dental procedure is, it makes your teeth around 8-shades whiter right after the treatment. And, you can get back to your routine life as if it’s just another day. Plus, as it is performed by professionals only, it’s safe and comfortable.

However, if your enamel is weak or you already have any dental condition, then this teeth whitening method might not be the right option for you. But, as said before, it’s the doctor and only the doctor who can assess your dental condition and tell you whether or not you should go for Zoom Teeth Whitening Chino residents are quite fortunate to have some excellent dental clinics in the city. So, get in touch with a reliable and experienced dental practitioner and get your teeth a whitening makeover.

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