Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What Care Needs To Be Taken After A Dental Implant Is Done?

When an individual goes for Dental Implants Chino, there are certain things that one must follow at home to ensure a healthy and longer lifespan of the implant. It is particularly necessary for those days right after the surgery is done.

How to keep the dental implant and mouth clean?

Successful oral surgery completely depends on how you keep your mouth clean. Make sure to start cleaning the other teeth as you do normally using a toothbrush and it can be done on the evening of the surgery. Avoid the surgical site from brushing for few days initially. But, you can carefully start cleaning the surgical area with a toothbrush once you feel it is safe to do.
Washing mouth in warm water with teaspoon salt is indeed beneficial for curing in the first week but make sure that the water is not very hot. Try to avoid food from getting into the surgical area as long as you can and wash your mouth immediately after you eat any food to keep the area clean.
It is highly recommended for smokers to avoid smoking till the wound gets completely healed as the healing process takes much time than usual.

Things to avoid after implant treatment

There are certain things that must be taken into consideration right after the treatment is done. The person who has undergone dental implant surgery must have only cold drinks and should not eat until the local anesthesia wore out. One must avoid eating hot food and hot drinks on the very first day of surgery and remember not to put fingers or tongue in the surgical area. One must also avoid hitting the gym or from doing any strenuous exercise during the first 48 hours.

Professional cleaning of dental implant is essential

It is imperative to get the dental implant cleaned periodically at Dental Implants Chino by a professional. They thoroughly clean implant threads, natural teeth, and adjoining tissues. It helps to keep the bacteria away that can lead to illness. Moreover, the dentist can inspect the teeth completely as well as the implant’s alignment. The doctor might include scaling, a method of cleaning which is much deeper than tooth surface for cleaning beneath the gum line to eliminate the mountup of plaque.
When you first get the implants, you will certainly visit the dentist recurrently and after that make it mandatory to visit the dentist every six months. The dental implants can also be cleaned at home using various tools but visiting the dentist is crucial for thorough professional cleaning.

Care and maintenance

It is necessary to know how to clean and maintain Dental Implants appropriately. If proper cleaning is not done, bleeding can start from dental implants, known as mucositis and if it catches early, it is reversible actually but when progress too much can even lead to severe infection leading loss of bone. This can subsequently lead to the elimination of the implant and bone grafting.
The first 48hours after the surgery is done are the most vital. This is the time when the symptoms are most prominent.  Here are some of the symptoms that can be noticed on the first day:
  • Continual bleeding
  • Oozing
  • Pain
  • Swelling
To recover smoothly and to evade problems remember to follow the below-mentioned tips:
  1. You should not disturb the surgical site
  2. Gentle toothbrush must be used for brushing the teeth on the evening or night of surgery
  3. After 24hours of surgery, wash mouth using lukewarm water with salt twice or thrice a day
  4. If required apply ice

The symptoms mentioned are considered normal. Take rest, eat soft and healthy foods and make sure to follow the instruction of your dentist to stay safe. The recovery after the implant must be pleasant and smooth. If your dentist recommends an antibiotic course after the surgery is done, ensure that you complete it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

How TMJ Treatment is Beneficial for Arthritis in Jaw?

This might sound absurd for some but it is indeed true that arthritis can occur in jaw. The joints that are present in the jaw are indeed complex. The TMJ or temporomandibular joint moves with the support of various muscles, soft tissues and bones, and these joints are heavily used through the entire day as you yawn, chew, eat, swallow and talk as well as move your mouths for expressing emotions and to your utter surprise arthritis can affect TMJ.  The foremost cause of arthritis in the jaw is due to constant excess load on the jaw joint.

It happens when you grind teeth while sleeping, shake with tough force or if you pinch it firmly. During grinding of tooth, huge pressure is applied on the cartilage located in the joints of the jaw and subsequently, the teeth can wear off. It has been found in research that quite a large number of people who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis also suffer from jaw pain and TMJ problem.

Symptoms of TMJ issues

People suffering from TMJ might experience stiffness in the jaws, radiating pain from joints, changes in teeth alignment and locking of jaws. Some might experience trouble in eating hard food or food that needs to chew. Arthritis in the jaw is also accompanied by cracking noise while opening and closing your mouth and earache. People who suffer from arthritis have a tendency to press their jaws firmly against each other and eventually the complications increase.

Arthritis diagnosis in the jaw

While examining, your doctor will ask you to open as well as close your mouth and if they find a cracking sound, then it is an issue of arthritis in the jaw. It can be only confirmed by conducting a CT scan or an X-Ray.  When it comes to TMJ Treatment Chino CA, get in touch with a veteran dentist who can treat your issue appropriately.

How to lessen the jaw pain?

Jaw pain can be terrible. It will make you feel not to talk, eat or do anything. Let’s take a look at some of the tips to prevent jaw pain:

  1. To give rest to your jaw, it is advisable that you should switch to soft food for the few days
  2. Avoid chewing gum and candies
  3. Remember not to open the mouth too wide while talking, eating or yawning
  4. Massage those muscle around your joint
  5. Avoid clenching jaw. This is mostly done when people are under stress or upset
  6. You can warm compress your jaw.
  7. Do not rest your chin on the hand and it puts stress on the jaw and changes the alignment of teeth if you are prone to TMJ problems.
  8. Exercise can also be beneficial to avert TMJ pain in the future. It must not be done if you are experiencing pain and swollen, wait till you feel better.
The exercise which helps is by opening mouth slowly, curl the tongue up and make sure it touches the roof of the mouth, keeps the tongue in position and slowly closes the mouth. It can be done 2-3 times a day.
The other exercises which can be helpful involve sitting before a mirror and open and close your mouth slowly. Apply pressure on one side of your jaw using your hand. It can also be done 2-3 times a day.

How does the doctor help?

When you suffer from TMJ, the doctor might prescribe you medicines like anti-inflammatories or pain reliever as it helps in alleviating pain and inflammation. Muscle relaxants can also help in relieving any type of pain which is associated with a clenched jaw. The doctor may recommend oral splits or mouth guards for reducing jaw pain and also aid with aligning the jaw; physical therapy can also be done.

Wrapping up

When you suffer from jaw pain, cautious lifestyle changes can help in relieving the symptoms and will also make you less prone to further jaw issues.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Zoom Teeth Whitening Treatment - Should You Go For It?

Are you a coffee or tea-holic? Do you enjoy your cheat days with lots of red wine, chocolate, and icecreams? Being a sweet-tooth or totally in love with caffeine or old age can, sometimes, take a toll on your smile. When it gets hard for you to maintain a brightening white smile, you look for various home remedies, first, and then try different over-the-counter whitening products to brighten and whiten your teeth. And, when nothing works, you run to your dentist for better options.


Zoom in for an attractive smile

As far as the best and most effective teeth whitening treatment is concerned, most dentists are likely to recommend Zoom Teeth Whitening Chino is one of those cities in California that has some good dental clinics to count on. So, pay a visit to your dentist's clinic to find out what options you have and if or Zoom! Teeth Whitening is the right choice for you.

The procedure of Zoom teeth whitening 

Zoom! Teeth Whitening is a part of cosmetic dentistry. It is a non-invasive treatment focused on whitening discolored teeth (enamel and dentin). Let's take a look at the steps followed by a dental practitioner to whiten and brighten your smile -
  • At first, the surrounding areas of your mouth and teeth, especially your gum and lips, are covered so that they remain untouched by the procedure.
  • Secondly, your dentist or his/her assistant will apply a layer of teeth whitening gel or paste on your teeth.
  • Thirdly, the bleaching agent (Hydrogen Peroxide) present in the gel is activated using an advanced LED light for accelerating penetration of the gel into your teeth for stain removal.
  • Lastly, your dentist is more likely to repeat this step thrice in order to achieve the desired result.
Why is Zoom Teeth Whitening better than other whitening procedures?

Apart from Zoom, there are many other teeth whitening procedures and products available in the world of cosmetic dentistry. It includes - whitening toothpaste, Whitening Strips or Paint-on Gel, and Take-Home Trays. However, no other procedure is as effective as Zoom! No wonder it has become one of the most popular ways to get a bright and attractive smile. To help you understand better, here we have a comparison table below. Let’s have a look -

Teeth Whitening Treatment Time Duration Shades Whiter (Avg.) Results to expect
Zoom! Teeth Whitening 45 minutes 8 Shades Done by professional cosmetic dentists
Immediate and long-lasting results
Comfortable and safe
Whitening Toothpaste More than 1 month 1 to 2 shades Self-application
Removes superficial stains only
Whitening Strips or Paint-on Gel 7 days to 30 days 3 to 4 shades Self-application
Takes time to get close to the desired shade
Patchy teeth whitening
Take-home Trays 7 days to 14 days 6 Shades Self-application
Results are not immediate.

Is Zoom! Teeth Whitening the right option for you?

Well, like any other dental procedure, Zoom! Teeth Whitening also has its share of pros and cons. And, only an experienced and qualified dental professional can understand if or not it is a good option for you. One of the best things about this dental procedure is, it makes your teeth around 8-shades whiter right after the treatment. And, you can get back to your routine life as if it’s just another day. Plus, as it is performed by professionals only, it’s safe and comfortable.

However, if your enamel is weak or you already have any dental condition, then this teeth whitening method might not be the right option for you. But, as said before, it’s the doctor and only the doctor who can assess your dental condition and tell you whether or not you should go for Zoom Teeth Whitening Chino residents are quite fortunate to have some excellent dental clinics in the city. So, get in touch with a reliable and experienced dental practitioner and get your teeth a whitening makeover.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How Can You Benefit From Sedation Dentistry?

It is widely seen and found that dental anxiety is a common issue among the people visiting the dental clinic. But in recent times, a new procedure has emerged referred to as sedation dentistry services in Chino. The procedure involves using medication in the dental clinic during treatment and subsequently makes the patient relax and calm. A pharmacological agent is used for soothing the patient. The agent affects the brain and a chemical is released for reducing anxiety and pain.

The agent belongs to the drug category known as sedatives which are particularly used for depressing the central nervous system. After the drug is given to the patient, the conscious level drops at a significant point where a person will stay awake but will not be able to understand what is happening.

This form of dentistry has gained immense popularity because of the immediate effect on the brain and the dentist can carry out the treatment with ease. During the entire procedure, the patient remains calm and hardly moves. The treatment becomes easier for the dentist as soon as the sedation is applied to the patients. So, if you feel any issue with your teeth, you must not delay and visit the dentist as the advance procedure of treatment makes it painless and anxiety-free.

There are several benefits of sedation dentistry services in Chino. Let’s take a look at the benefits:

a.               Patients’ relaxation:  it is an effectual procedure for making the patients relax before the treatment starts. At a moderate level, the sedation is given to the patients and the dose is increased as required. The dosage depends on the treatment type and the time takes for completing the procedure.

b.               Improved comfort level: the patients feel at ease during the treatment as sedation dentistry is a process that affects the nervous system directly which reduces anxiety and pain.

c.               Co-operation from patients: patients co-operate with the doctor when he or she is not experiencing any pain in teeth. It is vital that during the entire procedure the patient must stay calm. A wide variety of instruments are used by doctors for treating the patients. So, sedation dentistry is an added bonus in treating any sort of dental issue. 

d.              No bitter experience:  when sedative in a moderate amount is applied to the patient, he or she remains unaware as to what is taking place through the patient will stay awake during the procedure. After the treatment is done, the patient will not even know what happened, to be precise, no memory of the procedure.

e.               Time-saving: it is essential the reason why doctors are using the sedation dentistry process in recent times frequently. If the patient does not support the doctor, then the treatment takes much time as the patient will move constantly if he or she feels any pain during treatment.

Wrapping up

The main aim of a doctor is to make a patient feel at ease when he or she enters the clinic. If the patient develops any kind of anxiety, the treatment becomes much difficult to carry out. When a patient becomes anxious, the heartbeat increases consequently that can lead to serious health issues.
To avoid such circumstances, sedation dentistry is being used widely by the dentists across the globe and the procedure has turned out to be immensely successful.

Those experiencing dental anxiety often deals with problems like:

a.       Bitter memory
b.      Extreme gum or teeth sensitivity
c.       A fear of dental instruments or needle

Sedation dentistry when used, the above-mentioned dental anxiety can be averted.  The drug which the doctor gives is an oral sedative, thus no needles are required to administer it. The process of sedation dentistry offers a significant benefit that was otherwise not possible before. No more fear of getting treated by a dentist. Stop brooding over the matter as to how to get treated as sedation dentistry is indeed an exciting solution.