Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What is the Best Material to Use for Dental Crown?

Did you undergo an RCT (Root Canal Treatment) or a tooth restoration surgery lately? If so, then your dentist might have told you about dental crowns. Although he or she might have already informed about the entire procedure before actually operating on you, you still have some queries about dental crowns.

What is a dental crown? What kind of materials are these dental implants made from? And, which would be the most suitable option for you? Are such questions crossing your mind? No issues, going through this content will help you get a proper insight into the same. Let's read on!

More about Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a cap-like fixed prosthetic implant that is cemented onto your existing tooth to cover its surface while maintaining its functionality and aesthetics. These dental implants can last up to 5 years to 15 years depending on your food habits and dental hygiene. Moreover, Dental Crowns Chino CA are available in different types of materials - including stainless steel, porcelain, metals, resin, porcelain-fused-to-metals (PFM), etc. are to name some.

Let’s find out which one would be the best option for you and why!

Metallic Dental Crowns

Metallic dental crowns are designed to offer the best possible longevity. Made using sturdy metallic materials like Nickel-Chromium alloys, gold alloys, Cobalt-Chromium alloys, etc. these dental implants are thinner than crowns made up of using her materials. Therefore, a very little amount of your existing tooth needs to be extracted to get them fitted onto. Plus, these can withstand more force while chewing food and last longer.

However, the main setback of these implants is - their metallic finish. Due to their finish, these prosthetic devices look different from that of your natural tooth. Therefore, these are mainly used to cover your rear teeth.

Resin Made Crowns

As the name suggests, these crowns are made up of resin and are comparatively cheaper in comparison that their other counterparts.

However, these undergo faster wear and tear and prone to fracture and breakage than other types of options.

Ceramic or Porcelain Crowns

Dental crowns made up of all-porcelain or all-ceramic are considered as one of the best options to cover a prepped tooth. The best thing - they blend naturally with the color of your existing teeth and boost your self-esteem while improving your smile. Some people are allergic to metallic implants. For them, all-ceramic or porcelain crowns make the most suitable choice.

However, in comparison to metallic crowns, these crowns are not that strong and are more susceptible to wear and tear, still, these are widely used.

Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal (PFM) Dental Crowns

Yes, these crowns are made by amalgamating porcelain with metal. Therefore, these offer the strength and sturdiness of metal and the aesthetics of porcelain.

The only thing about these dental implants is, the layer of porcelain can chip off or crack and the metallic layer tends to show up.

A Good Dentist Will Help You Choose the Best

So, these are some of the most commonly used materials for making Dental Crowns. Chino CA dental professionals will help you understand the pros and cons of each option before suggesting one to you. However, make sure to get in touch with an expert and professional dentist to undergo the best possible treatment.

In cities like Chino, CA, you are more likely to find many dental practitioners. So, do your homework before selecting any particular one. Dear reader, dental procedures are delicate and should be taken care of properly. And, only a skilled and qualified dental practitioner can do it seamlessly. Therefore, make sure to research multiple options and go for a licensed and reliable dentist.

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