Friday, February 28, 2020

Useful Tips to Take Care of your Dentures from Restorative Dentistry

Regarded as an effective tooth replacement treatment, dentures make an excellent solution for missing teeth. No matter if you have lost one tooth or several teeth to an accident or old age, these custom-made restorative dental devices can restore not only your teeth but your self-esteem and smile. Not only this, when you’ve your teeth substitute on, you’ll also happen to regain your lost confidence and look younger than before.

If you have been using or are new to wearing removable dentures, you probably know that these prosthetic dental appliances fit snugly inside your oral cavity, just like your natural teeth. Every dental practitioner from a renowned Chino restorative dentistry clinic strictly recommends keeping dentures clean and well-maintained. Read on to learn more!

Why is caring for dentures so important?

When it comes to caring for these dental devices, you should do it properly (in fact, a bit more) as if you’re caring for your natural teeth. The reason is - if you don’t clean and maintain your dentures daily, these will become uncomfortable and wobbly over time, and many require repairs or replacement. Moreover, stained or contaminated dentures can become the breeding ground for bacteria and lead to many dental conditions, including gum disease, cavities, bad breath, etc.

Here we’ve rounded up some tips for denture maintenance that will allow you to keep your dental device clean and in good order without getting ill-fitted over prolonged usage.

  1. Keep these prosthetic dental appliances wet

Owing to the resistance to temperature and wear and tear and best-in-class stability, PMMA or polymethyl methacrylate are used as the base material for making dentures. Plus, PMMA offers higher bite forces and chewing capacity in comparison to its counterparts. Moreover, PMMA made dentures are pre-wetted with water to ensure long life. Therefore, you need to keep your dentures wet when not in use. Or else, these would dry out and gradually deform. And, once deformed, you need to replace your dentures because it will not get back to its original form.

  1. No room for mishandling

Although dentures are made using high-quality materials, these cannot withstand mishandling. If your denture accidentally slips from your hands and falls over a hard surface, it is more likely to break. Therefore, make sure to handle your dental replacement carefully.

  1. Clean your dentures every day

It is very crucial to clean your dentures every day and after each meal. It will ensure that no food debris and deposits and stain build-up on your dentures. Make sure to brush these dental appliances with a soft-bristled toothbrush once a day. It will help in removing the food particles and plaque.

  1. An ultrasonic cleaner is a good idea

When you are not wearing your dental device, you should soak it in a mind solution to get rid of the germs. It is highly advisable not to soak dentures in hot water as it can damage the device. The best thing you can do is use an ultrasonic cleaner to dislodge the food particles and deposits in the best possible way. However, remember, no matter if you use an ultrasonic cleaner or not, you should not forget to brush your denture.

  1. Pay regular visits to your dentist

A regular visit to your Chino Restorative Dentistry clinic is highly advisable. It will ensure the good condition of your dentures and make sure that you don't have any underlying dental ailment that can affect your removable dental device. In Chino, you will find many dental practitioners. However, in order to get the best treatment, you should find a dentist who is a member of the following noted authorities -

        The American Dental Society (ADA)
        The California Dental Association (CDA)
        Indian Dental Association (IDA)

Be informed! Your health is important.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Causes of Teeth Sensitivity after Dental Crown Cementation

Crowning is a vital procedure followed by most of the dentists nowadays. It protects a damaged tooth and prevents it from further decay. The crowns usually act as a cover and are placed over the tooth to prevent them from further damage. Dental Crowns Chino CA is a leading clinic specializing in dental care and implants. With their high-quality service, advanced technology, and above all, pain-free treatment, it is possible to get your smile back in the most effective way.

In the past few years, Dental crowns have become a reliable alternative to restore the teeth. This has benefited millions of people, and the numbers are going up day by day. At Dental Crowns Chino, CA, one can choose from the various types of crowns available to suit your teeth. The material of the crowns ranges from full metal, full porcelain, bruxzir, and E-max. The doctors at the clinic are always there to help understand the benefit of each of the different sets of crowns and thus help you in choosing wisely.

The overall procedure of fixating a crown above your enamel involves a few more steps and commences after taking the impressions of the teeth involved. Then a temporary crown is placed over the teeth, and in the meanwhile, a teeth mold is prepared. After the final product is ready, it goes through various tests and inspections before being finally cemented into the teeth. 
Although dental crowns have become very common nowadays, people do face teeth sensitivity after the final cementation.

The type of sensitivity also varies from patient to patient and is mostly encountered while consuming hot or cold foods. Sometimes even after the permanent crowns are placed on the teeth, patients tend to feel ache or tenderness while chewing. In most of the cases, it has been found that the tooth underneath the crown is the root cause of all sensitivity. For example, if the tooth over which the crown is cemented was fully decayed, then it can influence sensitivity as the crown is placed very close to the nerve endings.

In other cases, the sensitivity lingers from the surrounding tooth or teeth. If the crown rubs against the other teeth, then sensitivity can be triggered. Therefore, it is always advisable to get all your teeth checked up prior to any crowning. Crown sensitivity is an extremely delicate condition that affects nearly all the patients. It may last 1-2 weeks and usually subsides within that period. Some patients also complain about noticing pain while biting. If that is the case, then the crown is placed too high and needs to be adjusted. Sometimes patients may also undergo a root canal to reverse the damage caused by an inflammatory nerve bulb.

Irrespective of all these problems, as mentioned above, dental crowns are one of the safest procedures to get your smile back. Not only that, a crown restores your tooth into shape and brings back your confidence. Crowns also effectively play a vital role in strengthening the teeth as they cover terrible and decayed enamel. They also enhance the overall appearance and help resurrect oral care by a few notches.

We know that everyone in this world loves to wear a healthy smile. And we as a team are committed to helping people get their smiles back. Our clinic specializes in dental experts who, with the support of their efficient team members, help you discuss the nearest possibilities and methods of undergoing a successful dental crowning. With us, by your side, you can be well assured to lay your worries aside, and get the best treatment for your oral health care.

Friday, February 7, 2020

The Benefits of Neuromuscular Dentistry

In the early 1960/1970, Dr. Bernard Jenkelson examined the relationship between the upper and lower jaws. He did not just limit his examination to the teeth but also investigated the relationship between muscles, nerves, bones and two temporomandibular joints (TMJs).

Neuromuscular dentistry is the approach that focuses on the correction of jaw misalignment. A neuromuscular dentist determines the optimal position of the jaw in order to correct misalignment.
The process of Neuromuscular Dentistry Chino will involve the use of advanced diagnostic technology in order to assess the alignment of a patient’s bite.
This doesn’t just mean the position of the teeth but also the jaw joint, tendons, muscles and other tissues in motion.
People Who Need Neuromuscular Dentistry Treatment
  • Clenching or grinding of teeth
  • , stuffy/clogged ears
  • Sinus pressure and headaches
  • Snoring
  • Pain around the jaw
  • Popping noise when you move your jaw
  • Some of the benefits after neuromuscular dentistry treatment:
  • You’ll sleep better
  • You’ll have increased energy
  • You’ll have a more attractive smile
  • You’ll build your self-esteem
  • You’ll be in less pain and much happier
Types of Treatments
  • TENSing (Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation) muscle tension tends to be a major contributing factor in TMJ disorders. TENSing delivers low-level electrical pulses to the muscles of the neck, face and upper back in order to relax the muscle groups.
  • Orthotic splints also are known as bite guards and night guards in some cases, orthotic splints are over your lower arch of the teeth in order to reduce points of contact with the upper teeth. This eases the tension caused by clenching of the teeth, which helps relax the structures of your jaw affected by TMD.
The Technology Used In Neuromuscular Dentistry
  • Sonography: measures vibration in the jaw when it opens and closes to identify the joint is not functioning
  • Electromyography: Electrical impulses track jaw muscle movements
  • Jaw tracking: Magnets draw a 3D model of the jaw to identify abnormalities
Some Immediate Benefits Are As Follows
Neuromuscular Dentistry deals with such problems in the jaws and some other sections that have no relation to the teeth of a person. Naturally, the process and treatment method accomplished in this type of dentistry comes along with some benefits. We are going to mention these benefits.
  • Jaw pain is a persistent problem among people of all ages. A number of reasons including the misalignment of the jaws, some physical injury to the jaws or malfunctioning of certain facial muscles that operate the jaw.
  • Migraines can also be treated by neuromuscular dentistry. A number of cases have been successfully treated where patients have reported no further migraine attacks. Is has also been seen that after successful treatments, patients have never ever reported any headaches either.
  • While jaw pains and headaches may have more to do with facial muscles than the TMJ, neuromuscular dentistry Chino can also offer treatment to misaligned teeth, tooth breakage, tooth shortening or muscle thinning. These are issues that gradually come up.
Consistent bad bites can eventually result in misaligned teeth set and situations that cannot be addressed by either surgery or any type of braces. The problem lies in the fact that the problem is not caused by the teeth or the jaw bone but by muscles and wrong alignment.
Dental problems are not only the ones that originate from our teeth. There are often some other muscles and joints which are included in the problem list.
Whether it is a headache that you are having or TMJ disorder, neuromuscular dentistry is like a ray of hope for you. With countless benefits and treatment practices, such problems will disappear in a jiffy.
There are experts that are handling the cases and it is important for people to choose the option wisely. Go ahead and make an appointment at the dentistry right now.