Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Top 5 Myths About Dental Implants Chino Busted

Lost a tooth in an accident or due to decay? Your go-to solution is implant dentistry Chino. You not only get those teeth back but also your lovely smile and the irrevocable confidence. What is a dental implant? For those uninitiated, it is an artificial root that holds the bridge or the replacement tooth. It is a titanium screw that is fixed into the jawbone where your tooth is missing. It takes a few days before that area heals; however, it is a permanent solution for the missing tooth.

Dental Implants Chino have been around for a while now but, not many people are aware about it or know how it works. In fact, a lot of myths and misconceptions surround this treatment. Here, I am going to bust a few myths that I have been hearing from my patients.

1. Dental implants are not safe.
Many people truly believe that! I would like to say that this is not true. In fact, dental implant is the safest treatment you can undergo for your missing teeth. You just need to visit an established and experienced dentist who has the experience of carrying out this treatment. It is better to get a dental implant rather than suffer from the weakening of the neighbouring teeth. Yes, if you don't get an implant, the food gets deposited in the empty spot. The adjacent teeth, having no support, tend to get weaker, and chances are you might lose them too.

2. Once implanted, you don't need to see a dentist.
Implants require special care, which is why you need to visit a dentist till your implant heals completely. The spot where you have initiated the dental implant may suffer from bacterial growth, which can then cause issues. The dentist will be able to clean the implant regularly, and keep it free from bacteria.

3. I have some of my tooth's portion. I can't have an implant.
You can. If it is big enough, instead of an implant you can opt for a dental crown. It will cover your broken tooth as well as complete your smile. However, if the portion left is barely visible or is shaky, you can opt for a dental implant. It will offer support to the adjacent teeth as well as complete your smile.

4. Implants are a good option for anyone with missing tooth/teeth.
The answer would be no. It totally depends on the overall dental health and its current situation. You will need to consult a dentist before concluding on the type of treatment you should opt for. In case you are diabetic or you have suffered from a severe medical problem in the past, the doctor may not suggest this treatment for you. In fact, the heart patients should also refrain from this treatment.

5. Implants hurt a lot.
Partly true! When you undergo this treatment, you're given local anesthesia. You will not feel the pain when your dentist implants the titanium screw. However, afterwards it may pain because of contraction. The bones around it try to hold the screw and in this process you feel some discomfort. Your dentist might give you sedative if you're too nervous.

Dental implants are absolutely safe. It only depends upon your overall medical health. If you're fit, you make a good candidate for the treatment.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Invisalign Braces Chino: Your Key to a Healthy Smile

You may not be born with a perfect smile but, you can always get one with Invisalign braces Chino. Crooked or misaligned teeth can lower your confidence and stop you from smiling at people. Invisalign is a dental treatment where the braces are invisible yet effective and the teeth go back to the right position with time.

Invisalign is quite a popular treatment, which means you are sure to know how it works. However, if you haven't heard of it as yet, I am here to help you understand and break down the process in the simplest way possible for you.

You must be wondering why you should know in detail about Invisalign treatment. The explanation is - knowing more about the treatment makes you confident and helps in making an informed decision.
  • Your treatment begins after you consult Invisalign Chino dentist. What is important at this point is that you're with a highly qualified, specially trained and experienced dentist. While the treatment seems simple, it is not. It requires an in-depth study of your oral health and the current status of your teeth and mouth along with meticulous planning on how to get the desired shape for your teeth with these braces. It is suggested you check with someone who is experienced
  • Remember that your dentist will design a customized treatment plan for you. There is nothing one-size-that-fits-all. No matter how simple or complex your problem is, it requires special attention and a custom treatment. Understand how it is going to happen; what changes you will see after each stage; what precautions you need to take; and how long you need to wear braces. You can ask as many questions as you want.
  • Receive your aligners that are made only for you. During your first visit, your dentist will take impressions of your jaw line and send it to the laboratory. Within a week or two, you can collect them from your dentist and learn how to wear to them. You will get multiple sets of these Invisalign braces Chino, depending on how long the treatment lasts. You will need to wear each of the sets for a period of two weeks. To change a pair of these braces, you don't need a dentist around you. These aligners are invisible, and you won't need to feel embarrassed about wearing them in the open.
  • Reveal a straight and beautiful smile once your treatment is over. Surprise your friends with your straight smile. I'm sure this will boost your confidence. However, you may need to wear retainers to ensure that your teeth retain the newly gained alignment. Again these retainers are invisible and you will be able to go in public like before.
Now that you have an idea on what this treatment is all about, and have received a step-by-step info into how this works, I believe it is time to indulge in this treatment and get your smile back. So instead of feeling conscious about your misaligned teeth and stopping yourself from smiling, visit Invisalign Chino dentist, and start your treatment today!